Wednesday 30 September 2015

Ownership of the UK Radio Industry

For my third post, this week I have been exploring the ownership and structure of the UK Radio Industry. Therefore, after finding lot's of information and gaining lots of new knowledge, especially in DAB Radio, I have created the PowerPoint below to explain and guide you through UK Radio Ownership and also highlight specific companies whom are involved in the industry too:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is an absolutely fantastic presentation of lots of issues around ownership: OFCOM, the different types of radio stations and who owns them, all rolled into one. Abolsutely brilliant! I also love the way in which you include your thoughts on what you are learning along the way. This shows a self-awareness of yourself as a learner and demonstrates that you aren't just 'copying and pasting' information into a PowerPoint, but instead taking the information in and reacting to it. Fantastic effort here! :)
