Friday 11 December 2015

Structure Changes After Audience Research Results

Within our survey, question 6 asked whether our target audience preferred to have a male or female news reader, to which all but one participant replied they didn't mind. Therefore, we have decided to have Max, the male member of our group read the main news segment, then have myself reading other specialised news segments such as entertainment and Franky, another female member of our group, being the OB reporter that provides the voicer's and introduces/asks the questions in the Vox pop's that we will include in the bulletin. They didn't mind about the gender of those reading the news, thus, it makes sense to have a mixture of both genders, as this is common in most local station's bulletins, like the one we are producing.

In the questionnaire in which we sent out to the members of our class, question 6 asked 'Which gender of news reader do you prefer?', to which almost every member of the class answered with 'no preference'. So as a group we decided that Max would be an ideal presenter for our news radio bulletin because he is confident and has a clear voice.
Olivia who will be our entertainment news reporter, reporting on the gossip and music news. This was chosen because again the participants said they did not have a preference to who they would like to present their news and it would makes sense to have a mixture of different gender news readers.
I will be the OB reporter, reporting live from the location in which will be mentioned using a voicer, a vox pop will also be used in the middle of copy stories.

6 people thought weather was very important,
14 said weather was important,
out of 25 participants, 80% thought that including the weather in our broadcast should be included. This is because they believe it has great importance to the broadcast compared to Sport for example.
Both males and females answered that sport was not very important to them which contradicted our first thoughts of including 1 minute of sports news into our bulletin; consequently we've decided to remove it. We will replace it with 30 seconds weather reports due to it being more popular then sport, even with the male participants

16 participants answered that 'Entertainment news' was important to a radio news bulletin, this is more then we expected from our target audience therefore we will dedicate 30 extra seconds to our original time of 1 minute air time for Entertainment news.

Politics feedback returned quite positively.
4 answered that it was very important while 16 answered that it was important.
This is more then we first expected; therefore we've decided to include 30 seconds of politics news, most likely copy stories so the audience don't get bored. Also we will try and make them relevant to our area and age as much as possible, how it will affect us and how we can have our say.
The results for music news varied greatly, we believe liking this news type is dependent on having a personal interest in music. Generally entertainment news is valued as more important so we have decided to not include specific music news in the bulletin but instead include a music related story in the entertainment section.

Updated Timetable: 

News: 2 minutes 30
Entertainment (Including music story): 1 minute 30
Weather: 30 seconds
Politics: 30 seconds

1 comment:

  1. Excellent level of detail here and well done for changing/adapting your ideas after carrying out your survey. :)
