Tuesday 1 December 2015

Planning Initial Stages - Local Radio Station Name

For our local radio station, we have chosen the name 'Rebel Radio.' We used this name for our preliminary task and felt it was suitable enough to use for our Main Task. 

Before deciding upon a name, we chose our target audience:
-More females than males
-New British music lovers

We then decided to research names. Max found a random radio station name generator to get us started. They were incredibly unsuitable for our station as they weren't suitable for our station's target audience aimed at a young audience as it produced names such as: 

-Wise FM
-Route 81 Radio 
-Smooth Groove FM

After creating approximately 20 names we decided the names weren't appropriate. They didn't include youthful vocabulary like we wished to include, that was snappy or catchy, instead, they contained relaxed words, such as 'Smooth Groove FM' which includes too many o sounds which slowed down the reading of the station name and consequently it sounds like a very relaxed station - a stark contrast to the upbeat, youthful station we wished to create. 

Wise FM we felt was too aged for our station. It sounds as if it is aimed at an older target audience, as the connotations of wise suggest. We felt that FM also limited the station being available on one platform only. We wanted our station to be available on many different platforms, like modern radio stations are, as we understood that the majority of our target audience would access the station on modern platforms such as online, via TV or DAB, rather than purely FM listening for example in cars. Therefore, we as a group decided not to include FM in our station name as it limited down the platforms that the audience thought they could listen to the station on.

Finally, Route 81 Radio is not geographically appropriate for our station. We wanted it to be focused upon new, upcoming British music, thus, this reference to a road in America wouldn't be appropriate. It could creating a misleading view of the station that it broadcasts American related content, whereas we only wanted to broadcast British content. However, we did like the alliteration of Route and Radio, therefore we decided we wanted to include alliteration within our station name, as it is incredibly catchy and easy to remember. Finally, it adds a youthful vibe also, as it somewhat rolls off the tongue.

We then decided to find words that were youthful in order to find one beginning with R to alliterate it with 'radio'. We found words such as rhythm, raw, raving, rush and finally found Rebel. Immediately we all loved it and thus, after a group vote, all 3 of us decided that 'Rebel Radio' was perfect for our station.

1 comment:

  1. Some good notes here on choosing a name for your radio station. Well done!
