Saturday 5 December 2015

Target Audience Research Survey

In order to discover the likes and dislikes of our target audience and to refine down the conventions and content we will use in our bulletin, we devised this survey and got 25 people within our desired target audience to fill them in, in written format, to avoid mistakes in results which I have found before when using an online survey tool such as Survey Monkey. Survey Monkey also limited the number of questions I could ask, thus, I didn't use it and instead collated the results manually....

Here is a rough draft of the survey:

We later improved the survey, to include the following questions so we could discover which areas of news our target audience liked the most and more:

Rate from Important (1) to Least important (6) the following:
Sports news, political news, entertainment news, music news, travel news, weather

Do you like a music bed underneath the news? (Yes or No)
If yes, what kind of music? (Independent Answers)

Do you like the use of stabs to break up stories or differentiate between news segments? (Yes or No)

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