Thursday 26 November 2015

Preliminary Task

For my preliminary task I had to create a short radio exceprt including a soundclip that would be played within it. In order to challenge myself, I ensured that all the audio used within the task was my own, and not already present online - therefore, only the background music and sound effects were sourced from online. The task, attached below, includes a jingle that which I created after recording numerous voices and overlaying electro music that which I found on YouTube. Then, the interview that takes place within the clip is Max and Franky, the other two people within my group. They were responsible for writing the script for the except so that it fitted our target audience of alternative music loving teenagers aged between 13-19, the stations name was Rebel Radio.

Here is the final edit:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! A fantastic effort to plan, record and edit your preliminary task successfully! A really great effort with editing, in particular! Could this post be developed to include detail about how you approached the task, how you made creative decisions, etc? You could also evaluate your final edit - what do you think you did well and what could you have improved? What will you take forward into the planning stages of your main task?
