Saturday 28 November 2015

Radio News Bulletin Analysis

Also, in order to show my understanding of these conventions and what they sound like, I have analysed in depth a variety of different UK Radio stations' news bulletins. Doing this task enabled me to realise many things, such as the difference of national bulletin to a local bulletin.

The first is from Isle of Wight Radio, from a news bulletin that aired in July 2015. It is one of the on the hour news bulletins that the station delivered. I decided this bulletin would be appropriate to analyse as I myself will be creating a local news bulletin, such as what this station provides. Therefore, it meant that I could see how these conventions were utilised in a local bulletin, rather than on a national bulletin, in order to make my final task as accurate to a local radio news bulletin as possible:

What can you hear?
Additional Notes
General IOW Radio Jingle, not news specific. Fast with a strong background beat, focusing on the locations the station reaches
Generic Male Voice with clear diction
Greeting of good morning, time-check, name of presenter
Female voice with Southern accent. Clear diction with a formal and serious tone.
Story 1 – Historic Child Sex Abuse
Cue and Voicer – Cue of presenter giving status of the enquiry, followed by Voicer from male reporter at Sky for more information.
Voicer has male voice with serious tone. Evident background noises, highlighting his location of being outside the court in order to create dramatic atmosphere within the voicer.
Story 2 – Budget Cuts
Cue and Clip – Clip featuring George Osbone who is voicing his justifications for making the cuts
Clip has Osborune using very formal language, giving him to right to reply to the story. He uses many facts and statistics and there is also again background sound which shows the interview takibg place in a London location, for further atmosphere.
Story 3 – Primary School
Cue and Voicer – IOW Radio Reporter John Weeks adds additional information to the story through his voicer.
Giving such a plain story a voicer means that the listener will value it with more importance than on first thought.
Story 4 – Firefighters receiving extra training
Cue and Clip – Clip features chief fire fighter giving more information and reasoning to why the training is needed and what the training will be exactly.
Male voice of authority that gives the story more relevant information. Quite formal as information is important
Story 5 – Primary School Music Festival
Cue and Clip – Clip features a pupil who organised the event. Used mainly to highlight how young the organisation of the event is,  thus giving it a reason to be news
Young male voice with basic vocabularly – very casual, mentioning how happy he is to be the radio etc. Least formal story in broadcast.
Story 6 – IOW (Local festival to station) won major award
Copy – Presenter outlines what award they won.
No soundclip of them winning award, simply reporting which one, thus it’s the shortest story in broadcast
Tells the audience there’s more information and photos on news pages on the radio website. Asks audience if they find any news stories to send them to the website (which she reads out.)
Standard, no strange sound effects etc, website mentioned.

The second is from BBC Radio 1. It is one of their 'Newsbeat' bulletins which pride themselves on being incredibly concise due to the staton having a younger target audience in coparsion to most local stations. I analysed this bulletin so that I could compare the usage of conventions to that in the IOW Radio bulletin (local.)

What can you hear?
Additional Notes
Fast, with a sense of urgency through its intense beats. No mention of news.
Used to remind us of the station we’re listening to and its name.
Headline – Increase in testing of STI’s in Females
Basic outline of story that will follow in the programme.
Serious subject, therefore man has serious tone to voice with clear diction
Fast, modern beats to build up to the news story after hearing the headline, making the audience realise the importance of the story.

Story 1- Increase in testing of STI’s in Females
Cue and voicer – Voicer of reporter gives doctors and governments opinions upon story

Bed – fast and urgent music
Female voice in voicer– used to make story easier to understand to as it’s from a female voice and story is about females.

Continues through voicer too
Story 2- Latest soldier killed in Afghanistan
Copy – short story including just basic details
Name, date, cause of death told.
Even shorter than previous stab, but same music.

Story 3 – Missing child found
Copy – Basic information on circumstances
No stab follows this copy story whereas previously there has been a stab after a copy sotry.
Story 4 – Reminders to vote through facebook
Copy – No external opinion, pure facts

Story 5- Illegal sharing of videos and films online will be punished through new laws
New law outlined to listeners
Story 6 – Sport based, Wayne Rooney injured and out of action for important club match
Only sport based story. Mixing sport news in with normal news shows that the station limits the time dedicated to news as it knows its readers will prefer music and chat etc.
Name of programme (Newsbeat) mentioned
Told time of next broadcast (3:30)
Signposting where there will be a news programme again, later in the day. Doesn’t linger on any of the stories.

The third is from BBC Radio Jersey. The BBC Local stations don't utilise the 'Newsbeat' bulletins that most of its national stations does. Therefore, I analysed this bulletin in order to see how to BBC used the conventions in a local bulletin format. It suprsied me that this bulletin was so long and incrdibly indepth!

What can you hear?
Additional Information
Relaxed, but classical music, not modern or bassy
No dialogue or words
Presnter introduces news and who’s reading it.
Female news reader greeting (good morning)
Male voice, serious tone

No time check given
Story 1 – Malaysia Airline Investigation
Cue and Voicer – Cue gives detail on the current progress made in investigation. Voicer from Kualalmupas international Airport. States how relatives are being looked after. Gives information given from the airline about plane, and highlights the pressure on airline.
Voicer -  Female Strong Audtsralian Accent. Accent slightly distracts from what she reads as it is so strong, however could be due to logistics as Singapore is closer to Australia than UK. Some words difficult to understand, but serious tone in voice highlights the horror of the tragedy and how important the enquiry is.
Story 2 – Jersey Treasury Minister setting out government spending
Cue and Wrap Cue states what story is then Voicer from Clare Peters gives information on last year’s spending, highlighting how little there
Embedded in voicer is a Clip – Head of Citizens Advice bureau on what he hopes it will help to do.
Voicer then gives time it will be given
NAational story mentioned but localised

Local Opinion

Story 3 – Isralei Army Launched First Grand Offsenive in Gaza for 5 Years
Copy – Given background to why it happened and how many fatalities

Story 4 – New Local Law, anyone under 14 must wear a cycle helmet
Copy – States the new law and how it has been rejected before
Local law as its for a local station
Story 5- Sinking motorboat rescue
Copy – States rescue operation details

StorY 6 – Polar Bear Attack (national story) that features local boy
Cue – Coroner due to give verdict, evidence given by Jersey teenager
National story, but made local through the person involved.
Story 7 – Jersey inflation rate slowed
Copy – Facts and figures
No opinions given
Story 8 – Local naviagtation for boats technology broken
Copy – How long it will take to fix and advice to sailors
Serious tone taken when advice given
Story 9  - Parish Countsbale stepping down in Trinity

Entertainemnt news begins
Interesting  that all included in one programme, no split or specific jignle
Story 10 – Local festival Acts and Locations announced
Cue and Voicer – Ryan Morrison gives more information on ceratin events, such as film synposis’, what certain places are hosting and who is involved
Back Anno – Reiterating that if you cant make it you can listen to the final event live on the station

Dates of festival given
Intro 2
Sports News, introducing Sports Presenter, name and good morning

Sports news has new presenter whereas entertainment news doesn’t.
Story 11 – Englands Cricket Udate
Copy – Update on scoring and players opnion upon not taking avdanatge of bowling first.

Quote read by presenter, no clip.
Story 12 – Rory  MCilroy latest competion
Copy – Tells of his competitors and the event details
Presnter stutters at start of story, stumbling on words, but then apologising and correcting himself. Evidence of it being a local station and live broadcast instead of pre-recorded national for example. But then returns back to serious tone after breaking and changing it to apologetic.
Story 13 – Tour de France Update
Copy – Who’s leading
Names given
SOC of Sport Bulletin
Time of next broadcast given and also, makes a joke that it’ll be ‘when I’ll be able to talk again’
Formal reminder, then followed by a joke and so, a change in the males voice, to a sarcastic tone.
SOC of News
Presnter thanks Sport Presenter then gives a time check
Female remains formal, she doesn’t react to joke, perhaps due to the strict time constraint of this broadcast.

The final analysis is of Absolute Radio's news bulletin. This bulletin is from a national station and is of normal length for a news bulletin however it only focusses on a few stories. I wanted to analyse this specfic bulletin as it still manages to use many conventions:

Name of station, not news specific, slow, relaxed jingle, with ‘we’ being used to show the relationship the radio staton wants with audience, they want them to feel relaxed and included in the station

Incredibly Short! Only states her name
No breath taken between introduction and first story,  so difficult to realise when news is starting. No time check, so could confuse listener.
Story 1 – 4 Moths before England begin World Cup Capgin,  Capello resigned as manager
Cue and
England former captain opinion  given via phone call
Presenter states when more details will be given
Introduces writer of daily Mirror who gives his opinion again via phone call, Harry rednappe obvious succeser, talking about how he has helped Tottenham
Presetner states how redkanppe is bookies favourite

Story 2 – Tax eVASON
Linked to Story 1, no break inbetween., but only a copy story.
Detasils of how he took untaxed bonsues
Story 3 – Steve Coogan and Paul Gascogine settling for compensation for phone hacking
Copy – Amounts of compensation given

Story 4 – Weather update
No jingle or different presenter
National forecast and lowest temperature
Again, very different to differnciate that it’s a different segment of news, even the sponsor is read in the presenters same, serious tone
SOC - Jingle (Weather)
Weather knigle used to end programme, sponsor mentioned
Completely different voice, a happier, more lively female with added effects

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent post that clearly demonstrates your understanding of radio news bulletins. Well done!
