Monday 11 January 2016

Changing our Station's Slogan

After a group meeting at lunch today, we realised that our previous slogan of 'The UK's first station for music hits' that featured in our jingle for our preliminary task that we wished to use also in our final task wasn't appropriate anymore. Our news radio programme is targeted at local people therefore it would be very confusing and silly using the slogan The UK's first station for music hits' which suggests the station and consequrnly the news programme will contain national news when it won't - the news programme will be localised. Therefore, we decided to change the slogan of our station to 'The Island's best station for music hits' as this is far more relevant to our target audience of local people, yet still retains the aspect of music hits being played upon the station, which is what we knew made it appropriate and attractable to young people.

In order to do this, I edited the original jingle mp3 file in the editing software, Adobe Audition CC 2014. I removed the voice over of the slogan 'The UK's first station for music hits' and initially replaced it with blank music, so that we could add the new voice over of our new slogan in later on.

Then, once we recorded the new slogan voice over, I edited it into the jingle mp3 file that contained music (the bed of the jingle) so that it took the place of the original jingle whilst retaining the same audio quality and effects that existed in our previous, preliminary jingle mp3. Now that we have changed the jingle, it means we will be able to focus again back on gathering and formulating our local news into scripts, rather than worrying whether our branding of our station and the audio itself was appropriate to our target audience of young people within our local area (the Isle of Wight.)

1 comment:

  1. Good understanding of the importance of branding your radio station. Well done!
