Monday 25 January 2016


Today we recorded the news reader 'links' to our clips that we have already recorded to form the whole stories in our bulletins.
These include the introduction and standard out cue in our bulletin, in addition to the cue's for our:
Max's iPhone 5S (our recording device)
  • cue and clip
  • cue and vox pop
  • cue and two way stories.
In addition, we recorded the audio for our copy stories also. Once again we decided as a group upon using Max's iPhone as our recording device we realised this would produce the greatest quality of sound.

We used the in built voice recorder app as it lets you easily rectify and record over mistakes. As shown below, you simply press the red button to instantly start and stop recording, which was incredibly easy to use and meant we recorded our audio incredibly quickly and efficiently. Even when we made mistakes in our audio, we simply dragged the blue bar (as shown in the image) back to the area in which we made the mistake and pressed the red button again to re-record over it.

We recorded our news readers audio (myself and Max) in the same place that we recorded our preliminary task audio - in a room within the school that has good acoustics and no background noises such as alarms or bells or people walking through which could interrupt our audio.

Then, we recorded our OB's in various places. We recorded our vox-pops around Newport High Street, on a Saturday around lunchtime, as this was, we established, when the majority of our target audience would be around the location. asking young members of the public what their views were on the Festival Line-up latest announcements as we believed we would get the most authentic responses and also be interesting to have background noise to vary our news broadcasts audio type.

We recorded two of our vox pops from young people in this area of the High Street, Newport Square, as we found the acoustics in this area were very good. It was quieter than the main shopping area of the High Street which ensured that our audio was of a high quality and the person speaking in vox pop would be clearly heard and understood in our final broadcast.

Newport Squaure one of our vox pop locations
We also recorded private interviews, upon request, with Sarah from White Jewels for our Ryde Arena Story and also Alex Chakley, Random Rooms founder for the Random Rooms story.

Once we had recorded these clips, we sent them via the internet on Max's phone, to a collective folder in Google Drive, that myself, Max and Frankie all had access to. We decided to organise and collect our audio in this way, so that we all had access to every piece of audio, so we could edit specific parts and put certain clips on our blogs, as we wished. It meant we weren't restricted and could also listen to the same clips and compare our thoughts on them such as whether the words within them flowed and sounded professional enough for our bulletin. Another reason this was useful, was when editing down our 5 minute interview with Alex Chalkley. We all went through the clip individually at the same time, noting the times of audio we thought should be included in the two way in our bulletin. We all then compared our notes and found specific areas we all agreed to include, but also, for example, Frankie identified an ending clip that would be perfect to finish the two-way clip, that neither me or Max had identified. This technique ensured that our work on our bulletin was incredibly collective and ensured all our group was involved in this key stage of our task! 

Our shared Google Drive Folder entitled 'Radio Clips'

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