Sunday 17 January 2016

Recording Outside Broadcasts and Vox Pops

Today, we recorded our interview with Sarah, from Wight Jewels ice skating team for our Third Story, on Ryde Arena Repairs. We wanted to get an opinion from a young person affected by this story, as we understood that this would resonate with our target audience of younger people more and would thus let them be able to engage and understand the story more from another young persons perspective. Plus, it's more interesting than hearing a dreary Councillor or adult involved with the repairs.

We used Max's iPhone 5S once again to record and used the Voice recorder in built app, as we learnt, after our interview with Alex Chalkley last week, that the audio quality the app recorded was fantastic, very clear, and of better quality than that of the Zoo Audio Recorders we could've used instead.

In order to make the recording sound more interesting, we recorded the interview clip at the ice rink to have background sounds from the rink, such as people talking and moving around, to provide variety to the audio within our bulletin, making it more interesting for the listeners. It also shows audibly that the story wasn't recorded in the same studio as the main news reporting is, and clearly can be identified as an outside broadcast.

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