Thursday 21 January 2016

Final Script

This is our finalised bulletin script that which we will be using to record our audio with. In order to make it easy to read, to prevent long pauses within our audio, we have coloured all text that which is read out black, all background sounds or external audio clips in red, and the specific component or features of the report such as the type of each story, is in green.

We made lots of changes, such as shortening specific stories. 

Stabs: Our main change within the final scripting in comparison to the second is that we have decided to include news and entertainment stabs between stories.

Story 1: We have removed the back anno from this story as it was asking anyone with information to phone a relevent number which we believe won't apply much to our taregt audience, as they're aged 14-19, so would normally be inside, at home etc, at this time of night. Additionally, Frankie's Voicer is quite long and detailed, so we removed the back anno to ensure the fast pace of the news bulletin was maintained and that listeners didn't become bored through only hearing one long, in depth story.

We took the line Robert Swan out of the fourth news story, as we decided it was irrelevant knowledge and dragged on the copy story too much which could disinterest our audience and contradict the conventions of a copy story also. Furthermore,

1 comment:

  1. Good ability to constantly refer back to your target audience. :)
