Friday 15 January 2016

Random Rooms interview with Alex Chalkley

Today we were delighted to interview Alex Chalkley, the founder of Random Rooms, which features in one of the stories within our broadcast. We wanted to interview Alex so that we could insert audio for a cue and two way,within our broadcast to make it more interesting and appealing to young people rather than simply hearing us speak basic facts, we wanted Alex's enthusiasm for the project to be conveyed in the audio to make the story far more exciting and interesting to listen to!

We asked him the following questions:

Which we will edit the most relevant and appropriate clips from into our final new bulletin. The full, unedited interview is available below, or on our website : 

Our group loved taking this responsibility to invite and interview an external guest to further the uniqueness of our final bulletin! It was very interesting listening to Alex's project and made me feel as though our news report actually had purpose and made our group feel empowered to ensure it was of the greatest quality, as Alex could go on to use this interview for advertising in the future.

It helped us develop our interviewing skills and technique as we adapted and changed our questions to suit Alex and what he wanted to convey about the new project. Also it helped develop our audio recording skills and consequently too, our editing skills, as we had to ensure Alex could be heard clearly so that our audio sounds as high quality and professional as professional radio station bulletin clips do. Furthermore, it made me realise how important location when recording is, including how much impact background noise has and the acoustics of the room itself in relation to our recording device of Max's phone.

Max's iPhone 5S has the inbuilt app, created by Apple, called Voice Memos. We tested the quality of this recording programme on the device by recording the opening line of our script in 3 different locations. In a sound proof music room, in a quiet hallway room and then outside too, to see whether the device could retain the audio quality when recording outside as we would need to do this for our Voicer from Frankie, Clip from Sarah at the Ice Rink, Vox Pops on busy, loud streets of Newport. After listening back to the recordings, we were satisfied that the quality of vocal recording was still fantastic, regardless of there being loud background noises such as cars, loud chatting etc. So, we were happy to record the interview with Alex, with the device after testing it effectively. 

1 comment:

  1. Some lovely detail here on your interview with Alex. Well done! :)
