Friday 8 January 2016

Writing Our News Scripts

Here is our initial Bulletin Script Draft. I have analysed each story myself, highlighting areas which contradict the rules of writing for radio and so, will be changed or removed for the next drafting and final script. Additionally, I asked another group completing the same project, to read the script aloud to see which areas didn't sound fluid enough or too boring, when read aloud. Then, I also asked another group, to read it again, however this time, I asked them to look for points that contradicted the rules of writing for radio. They picked up numerous errors that neither myself or my group noticed, as written in my annotations of the script below. This is the final script, with the highlighted areas in red, being annotated on the right hand side of the page in the red boxes. If you need to see these notes in a larger font, simply press the magnifying glass with a plus in it on the top right corner of the scroll-able window. I hope by embedding this script in this format rather than plainly as text, allows easier reading...

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic effort to annotate your script to demonstrate where you have changed and improved it! Well done!
